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We exist to fill a market niche, offering an amazing array of Northeast Native Plants (perennials, shrubs, trees, and more). We focus on very high quality large, lush, garden ready plants grown and managed without pesticides. We also offer complementary products & sage advice designed to bring life back to the burbs!
“The only authority I respect is the one that causes butterflies to fly south in fall and north in springtime.” - Tom Robbins in Another Roadside Attraction
A large portion of our business involves taking and filling special orders. Please outreach to discuss your native plant needs. We are also open for drop-in shopping a few days each week from the end of April through the end of October. Look for current days & hours on the website and social media during the gardening season. For more information on shopping for plants click below.
Our house and constantly changing, often expanding gardens are right next door to the Plant Emporium. For three decades we have been digging in on the trials and tribulations of gardening on the border of Bristol County RI and MA (the "East Bay"), We were very early adopters of the growing trends of forgoing pesticides and chemical interventions and gardening with pollinators, songbirds and other area wildlife in mind. Our yard has been a Certified Wildlife Habitat for more than 15 years. We have learned a lot of lessons, some of them the hard way, and are excited to share them with you. We’ve seen first hand how quickly nature can rebound when just given a chance and are determined to help others experience this phenomenon while bringing life back to our communities! 🐝🦋🦇🦉
In addition to our own decades of hands-on experience, we've participated in dozens of hours of workshops, seminars, and sessions focused on habitat restoration and pollinator, wildlife and organic gardening, including attending the Ecology Based Practice Intensive Course with Larry Weaner and Ian Canton, the New Naturalism Academy with Plantsman Kelly D. Norris and we’ve explored each and every one of the courses available through Benjamin Vogt's Monarch Gardens LLC. We are also constantly digging in on the latest writings and research available to help us best help you. We combine our own eclectic backgrounds in environmental science, education, sales, purchasing, management, design, communications, community organizing and advocacy to bring an equally eclectic twist to our business. Along with writing a monthly garden column for our local newspaper we offer programs for local organizations and engage with schools and community groups working to bring life back to their spaces.
Where did the name Prickly Ed's Cactus Patch come from you ask? One day, many years ago we learned that cactus (specifically Opuntia humifusa- Eastern Prickly Pear) belonged in our Barrington, RI yard much more than the grass that was growing there. And so began Ed's foray into winter hardy cactus gardening and Cindy’s journey down the rabbit hole of learning all about Native Plants and their many benefits. As more and more lawn was transformed into garden beds teeming with life 🐝🦋🐦🐿🦊🐸🦉🐛 we were hooked!
Our own quest for straight species, neonicotinoid free native plants left us frustrated here in the East Bay Rhode Island/SE Mass area. We also experienced a big void in the kind of down to earth advice that was needed to support the process of building back habitat at home. And so in the peak of COVID times we decided to stop waiting for somebody else to do something and we opened the growing Prickly Ed’s Enterprise.
But back to the name…it’s a fun play on our still favorite plant, the Prickly Pear 🙄and on Ed’s always charming personality 😉🙄😁! Cindy dreamed it up one afternoon, and it quickly caught on with family & friends! Thankfully despite his prickly name, Ed is actually a great sport & played along. Hey, in the end, it doesn't matter if you are laughing at us or laughing with us. So long as you are laughing...And so a Cactus Patch Roadside Stand was born…
Prickly Ed's is locally owned and operated by your neighbors, longtime Barrington residents Cindy and Ed Moura. We already know many of you! But for those we have yet to meet, you can read a bit more about us below.
Ed traded his Harley for a tractor & BMW for an eco-diesel pickup truck & left his workaholic salesman days behind. His URI Environmental Science Degree & decades of sales and supply chain experience definitely come in handy these days! When he is not working to procure the very best plants for our beloved customers from growers around the Northeast, you can find him tending his ever expanding prickly pear cactus garden, converting lawn to wildlife gardens, creating ingenious things in the workshop, rocking out to the blues, learning to play guitar (sort of) & training chipmunks on the patio - tequila punch in hand. Ed is a lifelong resident of Barrington and has deep roots in the community. He handles all the business sides of the operation and is the go-to for all those practical gardening questions you may have or special plant orders you are dreaming up.
When not busy with her freelance day job - brokering resources & forging partnerships to help kids & communities across America, you are likely to find Cindy herding cats, fussing in the gardens, obsessing over hummingbirds, crafting cocktails, mixing potions, creating vegan delights, extolling the benefits of native plants in an effort to un-lawn the suburbs, and most of all dreaming up the next wild idea for Prickly Ed's! She is especially passionate about getting kids back into nature and bringing nature back to kids. A life long animal rescuer and advocate you may also know Cindy from her years of volunteering for a variety of causes near and dear to her heart including previously having founded and run Barrington Partnership for Animal Welfare and currently serving on the Board of the Barrington Land Conservation Trust. Cindy handles all of the educational programming, social media and marketing for Prickly Ed's. And is your go-to for design strategizing.